The Grilogy!

Between the years of 2014 and 2016 Doppelskope created three original family-friendly musicals - Gruff!, Grimm! and Growl! These shows premiered at Muhlenberg Summer Musical Theatre. Gruff! was again produced at the Peoples Improv Theatre, Vital Theatre Company and The Long Island Children's Museum. In the summer of 2017, The Lily Theatre in Indianapolis produced their own production of Gruff!



Gruff! is an interactive, family-friendly and puppet-filled musical about saving the world from environmental disaster!



In a world where the line between story and reality is as thin as a golden thread, the Grimms are on a mission to protect all stories from unraveling. In Grimm!, a dad falls under the spell of the Blue Glowing Madness and gets lost in his iPad and phone. His daughter Charlotte must travel through her storybooks and through outer space to save him. In this highly interactive, fast paced show, audience members cheer for storytime and blast lasers at attention-sucking alien robots.



Growl! is a rollicking fairytale romp that turns the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears on its furry little ear! This interactive theatrical adventure combines puppetry, music, and physical comedy — and invites the audience into a world of zany, fantastical fun. Is it a subtle satire of capitalism? Maybe. Brought to you by Porridge!